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For women and children experiencing domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault, Samaritan House provides shelter, support, and community outreach.


Samaritan House provides both emergency and permanent shelter for those escaping violence and facing the loss of their homes. In addition, they have children’s programs that work with youth to build healthy social and emotional skills as well as increase success in school. 65% of those served by Samaritan house are children. The ultimate goal of Samaritan House is to end the cycle of violence and homelessness. 


Services Provided by Samaritan House:

  1. 24-Hour Hotline: (757) 430-2120

  2. Crisis Counseling

  3. Emergency Shelter Placement

  4. Safety Planning & Victim Advocacy

If you are concerned that you are being emotionally abused, our recommended read for you is Escaping Emotional Abuse by Beverly Engel. For more information about his book, read our book review here. 

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